Where I Belong ~ PhotoJournal {video}

The day before Thanksgiving I was diagnosed with Thalassemia Alpha (a blood disorder). A firm diagnosis after 7 years of not knowing.

The past few months have been a mix of emotions and thoughts. Slowly, praise and gratitude resonate for the answers that now explain lifelong symptoms.

We have navigated very choppy waters in our ocean of life changes.

This month, I can feel God anchoring me into my new normal.
My word to help me navigate smoothly is {be}:: Be in response to God for my moments needs.

I can now joyfully invite you, to join with me, in celebrating the life I can live. I pray you begin to celebrate yours as well.

Psalm 118:24 speaks to me that God has made this day too. Joys or chaos. So let us find something/someone to celebrate!

Hugs from Hawaii, 


Music by Jenny Simmons - Where I belong

On Thursdays I Join Barista Bonnie where she brews up shots of faith. Come share a cup.
