Thoughts for the Weekend ~ Doing it {All}

All. Such enormity for a three letter word.

I've been pondering this all week ... praying ... reading ... searching ... lingering in God's stillness and have arrived at these questions and realizations. Well, so far that is.

Hm. What does "all" actually mean? I bet it's defined differently for each individual soul.  What is your all defined as?

All, defined for me:
every chore done
every book read and completed
quality play with Shadow
working out every day
rest and relaxation time
great relationships

And now that those (and more not listed) are completed...quality time with my family. Whew! That's insane. 

So, this week I decided to practice becoming aware that God is truly with me. Jesus, truly acting as my help. I fully embraced doing only what I can. 

Whoa! I will never be able to do it all ... and that is SO awesome! I don't want to.
Why would I abuse myself that way.
He loves me. I love me.
I want to have enough energy to share that love with the ones God gave to me.
His stillness at the threshold of my every day is my how. 

I gave myself a hug that said, "You are perfectly imperfect. Now, that is true beauty." I felt God breathe the life words, "You are perfect in Me, with Me, always."

Wow! Wow! Wow!
My heart is fuller.
My smile is brighter.
My body, more relaxed.
My spirit lighter.
My mind more at ease.
I can do only the "all" He as gifted me with. 

I'm perfectly imperfect:
I have a long way to go in living and in my health. For today, I wanted to share the celebration of my little bit of progress with you all. I also wanted to celebrate your brave steps and progress too. 

With you in mind:
I'm praying for all of us on this adventure of unwrapping little joys and discovering small wonders like these. I'm thanking Him for this crazy, yet amazing journey we're on. I'm also praying we find how beautiful each of us and our everyday-ness truly is.

I'll be lingering in these thoughts for the weekend with you. This adventure wouldn't be as amazing without you all in it too.

Soul refreshment: Galatians 6:4-5 ~ (Msg)
"Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been givenand then sink yourself into that.
Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsbility for doing the creative best you can with your own life." (Emphasis mine)

Amazing refreshment I found around the web this week:

"The Superhero Complex" - Sarah Markley
"It's Okay to Quit" - Sarah Mae

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