{Past Post} How to Slow Flow

Today I share a little bit of Sarah Markley with you. I remember finding her post in the middle of God teaching me the words "Slow-Flow" and how to do so. Then, along came Sarah's beautiful post. May God bless you with all you need through any means and heal the rushing inside ~ Jeri

*Hi there and thank you for coming by. If you missed my 3/6/11 post, I'm on a two-week R & R. I'll be back on Thursday, 3/22/11.

More Slow Flow - Sarah Markley's Best Days of My Life 

(Originally posted on Thursday, September 16, 2010

I am so blessed to have found Sarah Markley and her blog Best Days of My Life. She is part a wonderful community of women at(in)Courage.

I read her beautiful and enlightening blog post and couldn't wait to share it with you all. It goes perfectly with finding ways to live in the "Slow Flow".

At her blog post, The Little, Boring Things, Sarah shares:

"I’m learning from those little, boring things.

Do you want to do it too?

Watch — Watch the world around you. Take mental note of the beautiful and the ugly, the difficult and the easy. Look at your children, look at your own feet as you walk down the sidewalk, look at the simple world that makes up your personal universe. You must watch and train yourself to be observant of the life that goes on around you.

Ask — Ask God to teach you something from what you are watching. Ask Him to show you His truth in the simplicity of your baby falling asleep for a nap. And ask yourself the same question. Maybe you’ve learned this lesson/truth before and you need to be reminded.

Listen — And then listen. Listen to God when He speaks to you. And if you can’t hear, get rid of the distractions like music and television and your phone. Take 10 minutes to yourself and ask God to speak to you again and then listen to what He speaks to you. Journal it if you have to, but open your ears.

That’s the simple formula.

And I’m learning to love the simple, boring things much more than I love the amazing."

I hope you get to visit Sarah's blog and maybe even let it be a resource of insight for you. 

We'll continue to share resources of every kind as we find them. 

God Bless You on your Slow Flow adventure