{Gratitude} ~ Almost All Tapped Out

She gives me permission to be the "crazy" aunty...lol.
Soul Refreshment ~ 

The company of grateful hearts, heals the soul and lifts the spirit.

A heart broken for Christ welcomes His love, hungering. You are where you belong.

Here I am barely making back from Thanksgiving weekend. We added a girl's lunch to the mix today (Monday) and stretched out my time off-the-grid.

Going into the holiday I could feel I was almost reaching the "all tapped out" point. My body was getting tired, my mind needed rest from thinking, and my soul hungered for some time with encouraging and uplifting people. 

You know....The ones who sustain you long after your time together. The ones who make you smile inside at just the sight of their faces.

My soul could not have been more nourished than with that girl's lunch. It was something she and I talked about for years. We waited until I was healed enough to eat out and enjoy it. Today, though, we had another young woman along and it gave me just that right shot of fuel. To top that off, I had gave a wonderful woman a call and spirit-to-spirit we lifted each other up. I'm more than good now.

Back to the holiday weekend.

This is my favorite photo of all. Gramps with his son, grandsons and great-grandson. Funny, it's blurry, but it's my favorite. Have a blessed week all. 

*November's life-words are being dedicated to gratitude and dwelling

Every Monday in November we just plain wrote! Click here to join in on this last link up or to just read along.

A place to share gratitude