The Lifestyle He's Chosen is My Perfect Fit

How did God's Purposes come alive for me? That's is just how this blog came to be birthed. GodsDreamsForMe were discovered in My Vegan Playground. Not just the diet and lifestyle, but beyond that into my everyday living.

Let's start at the beginning:

I would keep asking God what I was supposed to be doing with my life. "What am I here for God?" There were so many possibilities - singing, writing music, working with youth…my head was spinning.

Nevertheless, we did all of the things and more than I ever thought possible. Think God was helping me get some of it out of my system.

Singing and writing music:

In 2002, we formed a contemporary christian band that lasted 4 yrs. We did ministry locally and sang at a cafe a couple of times a month. It was so much fun. Each of us were involved in church so...

David, my hubby, was the worship leader at our church, I was his assistant, and our son the drummer - all part of the worship team

At the same time, our bass player was the youth leader so we worked with youth and sang at outreaches

Our percussionist was the leader of the Levites, so we all helped break down or set up if we weren't cleaning up sound equipment.

I'm still writing and singing - at home, that is :D And I love it! Reid's a professional musician now and it's his turn to focus on that.

Turn of events and God's plan of excellence for me:

prayers for direction and insight

In 2006, I got really sick. That turned everything around. I was really into personal health and nutrition having had allergies and asthma all my life. So, when I got ill and there was no explanation, I couldn't believe it!

Keeping it short, it led to eliminating every food that was an irritant to my stomach, sinuses, muscles and joints. It also was beneficial for me to lead a life that is extremely low-stress and semi-retired. My body sure does let me know if I'm not living this way.

Finding God's purpose(s) for me in the perfect lifestyle He's chosen just for me:

Who knew that a vegan diet would totally agree with my body. God had to be orchestrating all of this. I would never have imagined myself living this way. Through this lifestyle, I am not only healing physically and more in tune with my body and surroundings… 

I've discovered (and still discovering every single day) -  

new found photography
Shadow, our rehab rescue 
A deeper compassion for people, every living creature, and myself most of all.

An intimacy with God I had never known before

New openness and creativity in my writing - songs, guest writing, articles, blog posts. 

I have this new courage that just makes me step out in faith and do or try what I would never have before.

noticed my books were mixed
neat combo of topics
I totally enjoy researching about the environment.

I love researching, reading, learning, and sharing all I learn with everyone.

I'm meeting and connecting with awesome people all the time.

So many opportunities have come my way in the area of writing.

I'm speechlessly amazed everyday at what God is doing in my life.
Not to say there aren't any challenges - there are sooooo many.

MY PART: to relax my mind, spirit, and body - low stress daily by making Him first and choosing who and what I let into my life and environment.
GOD'S PART: Loving me, showering me with grace, teaching me, surrounding me with awesome encouraging people.

HIS PURPOSE FOR ME: To learn and share what I discover about living sustainably (renewably) inside and out.

Your turn: What's your perfect fit? Maybe you're still finding it.  Are you in a season of purpose right now?

I found I love hiking! It brings me so close to God.

Becoming a team = support and encouragement

This post is linked to Faith Barista Jam Thursdays
Click banner for more info.


Lisa notes... said...

I love your enthusiasm. It comes out as you share about all the things you do and are for the Lord. I think my purpose in this season is to stay the course for another 2 years with homeschooling my daughter, then explore new purposes after that. Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie Gray said...

It's amazing how God can use our down time and time we think is difficult to add a new passion. So happy you have something you enjoy so much and can express your heart in. Thanks for jamming!

Unknown said...

@ Lisa - Hi there. It's so nice to meet u here at the playgorund. We homeschooled as well. That's a wonderful ministry. Thank you for stopping by.

@Bonnie - Yes. You are so right. I love that you called it "down-time". I called it forced rest - Ha! Ha! I'm so hard-headed sometimes.

You ladies have refreshed me with your uplifting words today. Thank you.

Shannan Martin said...

I love hearing more about how God is speaking to believers! It's so awesome that His plan for each of us is so unique.