My Why

I can feel God’s gentle tug as if to say;

“This way, Jeri ... Breathe deeply ...

Come rest from your speeding pace. Heal in just being with Me.  
I have little joys for you to unwrap, small wonders for you to discover
A journey into your everydayness: joys, messes, rest, and chaos.
An adventure in your ordinary: from waking up to lying down. 
Be on the lookout for these priceless treasures
Pause and enjoy them. Then...listen.
Listen, for when I ask you to share with ones who need to rest and heal too.”

My Who: I'm married to my best friend, mother of two adult sons, one of whom is married, and I'm a Yaya. Shadow, our bully-retriever is always at my side. So much to discover with and about them.

My Spirit: God's daughter, homemaker, God-sized dreamer, memory keeper, writer, photographer, encourager, imperfectly perfect and discovering "me" wonders as I embrace it all. I'm a total introvert and completely bubbly.

My How: My fave ways of chronicling my everydayness is through life words and photos.

For You: Whenever you linger here, I pray you find life-words to refresh your ordinary. May you be encouraged to begin an adventure in unwrapping your own everydayness .

 Love, Jeri
PJs, soy latte, back deck

1 comment:

Ellen MR said...

Visiting from SRT, what a lovely page! I like your "why" and "how"! Beautiful! :)