Lingering ~ Work, Me, An Easy Recipe, Prayer

The need for R & R:
David was on a trip last week and it revealed just how much that man does for me around here. I'm wiped out from doing both our household and personal "stuff".  As a result, I got nothing done to start working again. 

I know just what I need. 
I feel God's pull to quiet, still, and reflect for what's ahead. 
More becoming.

Soul refreshment:

1 Chronicles 16:11 ~ Study God and his strength, 
      seek his presence day and night; 

Books - Work - Open doors: 
I'm about to head into a two week adventure of my own type of R & R. 

~ A few books are calling out "linger in my life-words." Okay, corny, I know. 
~ I'll be starting back to work in writing food and nutrition articles for my two 
    columns. I'm excited about that. Time to prep.
~ I also have some personal endeavors that are finally opening up for me. I'm anxious, in a 
   good way, to give attention to those as well. 

~ Of course, I'll be sleeping in, sleeping early, lounging, and hanging with family too ;-)

Soul Refreshment:

Psalm 73:28 ~ But I'm in the very presence of God 
      oh, how refreshing it is! 
   I've made Lord God my home.

What you can expect here the next two weeks:
I've picked out a few Past Post favorites and included a short message before each post as my way of saying a little "hey" and staying connected. They'll be pre-scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 p.m. Hawaii time and automatically post at our GodsDreamsForMe Facebook page, my page and Twitter too.

So, I'll keep the blog doors open while I'm having my R & R.  Do come visit, hang out and share your comments if you like. Just give me time to get back to you after my two weeks. Same with Facebook and Twitter. 

As always:
Feel free to slip in and slip out. I appreciate your time here with just the same.

Soul Refreshment:

Philippians 1:25-26 ~ So I plan to be around awhile, companion to you 
      as your growth and joy in this life of trusting God continues. 
You can start looking forward to a great reunion 
     when I come visit you again.     
We'll be praising Christ, enjoying each other.

My fave breakfast recipe for you to try over the next few weeks:

1 Cup of your favorite cereal
2 Tbsp Almond butter or Peanut butter - creamy works best
1 banana chopped into bite-sized pieces
1 Tbsp Chocolate chips

My personal recipe is completely vegan as I can't digest animal products properly. Oh, the tests we endured to find that out. Nevertheless, food is still incredibly delicious. And yes, there is such a thing as dairy-free chocolate chips! Cool, right?!

Just mix all of the ingredients together in a good-sized bowl and enjoy! Try any combination of ingredients you like. Leave out, add in, it's up to you.

My favorite pairing of this is with a homemade soy latte. Any flavor.

Soul Refreshment:
Psalm 34:8 ~ Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.

Please pray for me:
Can I ask that you pray for me and the time I'll be spending and investing over the next two weeks? Thank you so very much for doing so.