{Dwell} :: Power Tool Symphony

Let God take over and set it all right.
He won't let you go
Dwelling stirs gratitude.

Isn't it amazing how clicking that pause button in our day can bring all the craziness to a screeching halt? A few quality seconds to breathe in the middle of the noise can still the soul to such peace. To deliberately pause allows me to unwrap my life. That in turn, allows Him to stir up gratitude.

Our back deck is my favorite place to sit and be with God. The sweet silence. The healing warmth of the morning sun. Even the gentle rain is soothing. Then all of a sudden, power tools all go off in unison. As if a conductor lifted his baton and cued them all in.

A concerto of neighborhood renovations, including us. This past weekend was all about cleaning and labor. So, this morning I was ready for my serene back deck getaway. In the crescendo of that power tool symphony, I found a way to sit in silence. I know! It totally tripped me out.

More than anything, I just wanted to "be" with God. I needed refuge in Him. I had a hunger for tranquility. My soul completely sat still. The power tool orchestra seemed to quiet their concerto. I realized it was still blaring, but it didn't matter. I had so much to be thankful for. I wanted to thank Him for His words spilling into me and changing me. For His works on my behalf - healing, providing, and bringing my dreams to life.

Now the power tools seem like perfect background music. He overwhelms me with grace surpassing what I ever realized possible. I'm totally tripping out!

Your Turn:
~ How is God overwhelming you with grace that stirs gratitude?
~ How do you turn down the volume of your power tool symphony?

Soul Refreshment:
Psalm 9:4 ~ You took over and set everything right;
when I needed you, you were there, taking charge.

*November's life-words are being dedicated to gratitude and dwelling

I joined in on this a little late. Every Monday in November we're just plain writing! Click here to join in.