So many new things this year that brought joy. Then one day, out of nowhere, I found myself overwhelmed more than excited.
As we begin week 3, I feel myself finally finding some lasting refreshment. I stepped out in faith to write, knowing I needed refreshment desperately.
Thank you for coming along on the adventure and being amazing company on the journey.
Refreshment for today....
We choose whether our every day activities are no big deal or gifts to be celebrated.
We choose whether they are burdens or blessings.
New way to see this soul refreshment...
Deuteronomy 30:19 ~
I place before you life and death; Blessing and Curse.
Choose life so that you and your children will live.
Training Shadow to be calm and relaxed while Ezie plays
The look on his face after cleaning baby up
After feeding and a diaper change
Before she meets with her mentor
Because we walked Shadow
Slowing down the walk!
The expression(s) on his face while he shaves
The attention he gives while he talks
It's so refreshing to watch how others live in their every day look around and take it all in...
a wife's sweet eyes as she fixes her husband's collar
a parent kneeling to tie their child's shoe
a hand gliding gently along a pet's coat
my barista smiling as she makes my soy latte
a neighbor whistling while he takes out the trash
Has anyone or anything in the every day refreshed you?
Doesn't matter if it's past or present.
I can't wait to read about it :-))
p.s. it's like having permission to people watch...hee hee.
Click the photo for more Days of Refreshing
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Katie ยท 699 weeks ago
jerigodsdreamsforme 59p ยท 699 weeks ago