Real Life Friendships ~ (in)RL

Friendships that replenish.

Relationships that refresh.

People who make you smile a smile that lasts long after they've gone home.

The ones who make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts...and then you can't help, but keep laughing.
Actually by the time this happens, you are probably snorting...ha ha ha.

These kind of friendships renew you in the moments you spend together. Even if not very often. 
These kind of friendships carry you through until you're together again.

You share everything ugly and hard and find comfort. 
You celebrate the big and small over a cup of your fave beverage...together.

Here is where you can be brave and share your new ideas or dreams. Your God-dreams. 
Here, with these friends, you can be imperfect and messy, and live your real story without worry.

And then, the time comes to welcome new ones into this safe place. We let ourselves be vulnerable. Sometimes it builds lasting relationships. Other times, it was just for a short season. There are even times when it's not the right fit.

The amazing thing about you is you welcomed them in to begin with.

I've found lasting, replenishing relationships in family and friends alike. The ones closest to my heart are few. I'm just that But they fuel me up better than an extra shot in my soy latte.

More pictures of our family's (in)RL experience over at facebook. Come on over and take a peek.

With You in Mind:

You've found them too! They make you smile when you think of them. Your heart fills when their faces cross your mind.

Linger there often with Jesus. 
Voice your thanks to Him for His gift of them. 
Know that He too, calls you friend. (John 15:15)

Maybe, you might send them an email, letter, or card. Then again, a phone call might be what you're thinking of. Oh, I see. You say it's time to get together with them. Even better.

Your visits thoroughly replenish me. 
You being here today you've filled my heart. 
What you say and don't say here are all precious words. 
Thank you more than you know.

Soul Refreshment:

Proverbs 17:17 ~ 
Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.

Proverbs 18:24 ~
Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.

Proverbs 25:13 ~
Reliable friends who do what they say are like cool drinks in sweltering heat—refreshing!

Proverbs 27:9 ~
Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.

Visit here to see what others are sharing about their (in)RL weekend.