{Gratitude} ~ Too Busy? Take Notice

*November's life-words are being dedicated to gratitude and dwelling.

Gratitude...taking notice of the blessings.

Soul Refreshment: 
Psalm 5:12 ~ 
You are famous, God, for welcoming God-seekers, 
      for decking us out in delight.

Whenever I get too busy, I make myself take a walk. I practice noticing. I leave my camera home, take my cell phone instead, set it on silent and click away.

I seek out the delight He's surrounded me in...and...

I notice...

I purposely step on leaves and notice the crunch - love doing this.

A tree filled with colored leaves against the gray sky.

A fellow walker generously smile and nod.

Another walker pause, light up with smile as she watches David and Shadow play run - up and down a steep hill.

I notice...

A congregation of birds squawking and hopping around in huge trees. Their commotion causing leaves to float to the ground.

The dog who was sick is better again and out walking with his owner. 

All of a sudden...I notice...I'm quieted...once again. The busyness has dissipated. 

The gratefulness for all God's given and opened for me overwhelms me again.

Then, I notice...

How David's hand feels in mine as we head home. 

I feel I'm in the Shadow of God's wings again.

My spirit notices...

In the darkness, I walk slowly and find His light.

I hear His voice again...

He's never too busy for me. He'll never be too busy for me. 

I know where to go from here and He goes with me.

I pause, breathe it in, and am filled with thankfulness.

Will you ~

Idle the busy and take notice today? 

Take a walk physically or... close your eyes and let your thoughts take a walk into His presence.

I'd love to hear how it went.

*November's life-words are being dedicated to gratitude and dwelling.

Today's Jam topic is "Gratitude".