Thessalonians 5:11 - Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
In the worst times of my life just when I wanted to stop trying, someone always cheered me on. It would be through an unexpected phone call, a surprise text, even an email of appreciation for something I shared through writing or photos.
God knows what we need before we even need it. So, He purposefully orchestrates specific beautiful people into our lives. Not only do they cheer us on in countless ways. They also help to balance out the negative people in our lives.
I've written it before that you have much to offer this world and the people around you. Only you can reach that certain person with your uniqueness. Even the messes and mistakes will help you relate to someone that no one else will.
Find someone to encourage today and be sure to surround yourself with encouragers. You deserve it! You are highly worth it!
My favorite way to cheer: A note of gratitude.
-What are some of the ways you have been cheered on?
-How have you cheered others on?
Can't wait to see what you all share. Have a beautiful weekend :D
It's so true how others can help to hold you up. I recently had so many wonderful comments when I shared how I was going through a rough time lately on my blog. I'm so thankful for everyone in my life. :)
thank you for this post. it is so often that it is the little thing, the nice word, or a smile and hug that keep you going. its easy to get wrapped up in your day-to-day and forget that such simple things can mean so much to people at certain times of their life.
@Molly & @Heather You both remind me that there's so much power in our words. Have a great week!
Prov. 11:25 - what an awesome verse - did you just put that on your banner, Jeri? :) I love it! I'm so blessed you are a part of my encourager community at the jam. ooxx
I so agree on how important and effective encouragement is. I love that Thessalonians verse, too! (Just now catching up on last week's Faith Jam posts!)
@Bonnie - privileged to be part of FBJ and all the love there. Blessed too.
@Caroline - You are right on time here :D See you on FBJ again soon.
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