Winter Promises Spring

These past four years full of blessings and still we had been in the winter of our lives. The cold, tired, wearing kind where you have to choose to find joy, hope, and live out loud anyway.

Challenge takes some type of toll on family, marriage, and on most any relationship. We have had struggles and hardships that we would never wish on any one, ever. As each one came, the prior one would find partial or total resolve. For a long time, most would only find partial resolve. 

Thus, the thrust into three and a half years of winter. 

Worshipping Him, our God, always brought just enough warmth to keep us from bitterness. We clung to His love for us and committed to each other. That commitment would have to be spoken out loud over and over again. 

Words are alive. Those words and our worship breathed more and more life into our winter. Helping others and giving some of those words away put more and more logs on the hearts fire; What a gift. 

Speaking, worshipping, trusting, giving, and loving.

Now, we are here. Spring started peeking in over the last two weeks! We’re in the middle of actual winter, but in our family spring has let us know it’s coming. 

Spring - new, green, fresh, alive. We can feel it, something new. It’s springing up and coming round the corner. It’s a brand new season!

You have to wait until January for all the news. 

Yes, this is just a random pic of Shadow...hee hee :D

Just know and be encouraged that God was always good in that harsh season. He never left us alone. We didn’t always “feel” Him. We had this convicting assurance that He was very present and working out His plans. 

You may be in a season of winter 
in your life, relationships, job, or gifts. We are praying and believing for your spring. 
We know that winter promises spring for you too.

Psalm 116

7-8 I said to myself, "Relax and rest.
God has showered you with blessings.
      Soul, you've been rescued from death;
      Eye, you've been rescued from tears;
      And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling." 

 9-11 I'm striding in the presence of God
      alive in the land of the living! 
   I stayed faithful, though bedeviled, 
      and despite a ton of bad luck, 
   Despite giving up on the human race, 
      saying, "They're all liars and cheats."

We are unwrapping today with Ann
over at A Holy Experience. 
You're invited.